Monday, January 7, 2008

Smoking Ban

Smoking Ban
Let’s get real, the smoking ban has nothing to do with a better work environment. It has to do with government control. If it had to with work environment, OSHA would be mandating it, not politicians. It has to do with we can tell you how to run your business, in one more way. It also has to do with taking one more freedom from you and I, next will be not in your car, not in your house, then not in your backyard. I hope our elected official remember how they got their.
How are you going to fund all your programs with the lose of revenue, when people start to quit smoking. Guess we will have to raise taxes on everyone.
Next will be, your over weight. You happen to be on medicare or medicaid, if you don’t lose weight and exercise, you’re not covered for your diabetic and, or high blood pressure medications and testing supplies.
We are suppose to be a free nation, we do not need big brother telling us what to do. We can make our own decisions, it is currently our right. Being a knowing what is best for you person, be careful what you wish for. You may not like what it could turn in to.

Thank You,
The Little General,
Mike Ross

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