Monday, June 23, 2008

E-mail to my congressman on energy

Congressman Ellsworth,
I am beginning to think you have been infected with the D.C. bug. The oil companies are in business to make a profit. You feel there should be transparency, they have to file their information with the government. The senate and congress talk about windfall profits. A windfall profit, is a profit that is made by someone who had nothing to do with producing the product. The only establishments making windfall profits would be federal, state, and local governments.
With ANWR, it is estimated we could produce enough oil to do away with the Saudi’s. Doesn’t cure the problem, but it is a start!!!!!
Now, biofuel, it sounds good. Now look at the amount of grain it takes out of the food market. Look at the fact that if you use market value with ethanol, and stop using government subsidies. The fair market value of ethanol, would about a dollar to a dollar fifty a gallon more than gas. With or with out the government price fixing, ethanol is not economically sound. Now look at the fuel mileage, ethanol gets about 1/3rd less mpg that petroleum fuels. I do not buy into global warming, but the emissions from ethanol are estimated to be 1/4th less per tank full. So by the 3rd tank of ethanol, you have emitted ½ as much more emissions than if you bought 2 tanks of gas. So, for a person purchasing 2 tanks of gas, (equaling 18 gallons each tank), the total cost would be $147.24 at $4.09 a gallon. A person purchasing the 3 tanks of ethanol, (equaling 18 gallon each tank), the total cost would be $172.26 at 3.19 a gallon. With this information, it is cheaper, cleaner, and more mpg with gas than ethanol. Not to mention more corn based food, at a cheaper price, by purchasing petroleum fuels. That’s with the government price fixing on the ethanol.
For the discussion of the gas tax holiday,(government windfall profits holiday), 18 cent a gallon is a savings no matter what any servant would think. Personally, I buy 18 gallons of gas a week, so saving $3.24 a week adds up. After the 14 week holiday, I saved $45.36. Might not be much to you, but to someone taking care of a family. It could be a lot of money.
All of you politicians need to re-read the U.S. Constitution, your job is to serve the will of the all people that you represent, not just a few special interest groups. 2006 was supposed to be change, I voted for you and others for the change. We changed alright, in the wrong direction.
Think about this, no on new oil, no on the new F-150 and other vehicle slow downs. If you are really trying to keep your core supporters, the union people working. Someone needs to let them all know about the secret, their government is a very large part of their being out of work, with your policies.
Thank You,
The Little General
Michael Ross