Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Jim Schellinger has not responded

An email I sent to No response Jim and still no response. Today's date 24 Oct. 07

21 Oct. 07
Mr. Schellinger, I have a few questions I would like to ask.
You claim, you are against out sourcing. Then why would you use a website firm from Oregon, and not from Indiana, Michigan, or Illinois?
Why would you want to be governor, with the small salary of 95,000, when you are CEO of a very successful firm? Would it have anything to do with the cut in school building funds, to the redirection to teachers salaries and quality of education.
Lastly, with health care, why are you not promoting union negotiations, not government funded. I agree with helping the poor, but not a family of four that make 40,000. If their company doesn’t offer health care or it is to costly. They should organize, not get into the tax paying peoples pocket. You, your-self sir are living proof. That we can make better for ourselves, if we want to.
I would appreciate a response.
Thank You,
"Little General"
(google blog search),
Mike Ross

Thursday, October 18, 2007


I would like to thank everyone for standing up to our government on excessive spending. Not that our poor do not need help, but it needs to be for children that truly need it. Not adding people to it that can find better jobs that offer health care. I truly believe that if you want health care, organize and negotiate it. It's not a RIGHT, an if more people do this, it will force companies that do not want to be union to step up and offer health care. We also need to work on leveling the playing field in free trade, to entice our companies to stay and offer jobs here. We also need to promote buying U.S. made produces as often as we can, this will force a change in company policies.

I would also like to say, I called my congressman Bard Ellsworth, and expressed my disapproval of this bill, he voted to override the veto. So, I emailed him to let him know, that I voted for him and I can change that!!! I hope that any of who were against this, and your congressman voted for it, will write them. Let them now how you feel!!! Together we can make a difference.

That You,
Little General
Mike Ross

P.S. Comments are welcome.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Supporting our military

Try this the next time you see someone in uniform, walk up and shake thier hand and tell them thank you. You will get an experience you would never believe and make you feel very proud.

Nothing else to say.

Little General,
Mike Ross

P.S. Please post Comments.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Answer the real questions

Why wont the politicians answer the real question you and I want answered. Because they are just trying to get voted in. We need answers to questions like creating jobs and stopping government dependence. There are people who truly need help, but there are people who are working the system. They need to get a job, if they don't think they make enough money or have the benefits they need, they need to look for a new job. Maybe become union and put it in a contract, or just live with it. It is not my problem, or yours, to fund people with health care if they are not responsible enough to find employment that has it. If our government wants to have control of things in our interest. They need to re-look at our free trade agreements, some of them have taxes, (tariffs) on us, or a limited amount of our product that they will accept. Meanwhile they can send all they want. One sided, we need to do the same to level the playing field. If you are business owner that you. If it is union live up to your agreement, if not live with it (employees)!!!!!

Iraq, Saddam was a tie rent and a terrorist, he used chemicals of mass destruction on his own people, did invade an U.S. interest, kicked out the U.N. inspectors. He truly thought he could be a bully in the middle east and to the U.S. Think about this Israel bombed Syria and you didn't hear a thing, why, because it was always thought that the weapons were sent to Syria. Can't cry it they hit the things we and the U.N. were looking for. Now we have politicians out there that condemn the war, and it's there right, but now that the presidential race is coming on. They are not sure if we can pull out, but it wasn't long ago allot of them declared WE MUST GET OUT!!! No matter how you feel about the war, we must win or they will attack us again.

Immigration, welcome you who are legal, leave law breakers. If we went to their country illegally, we would still be in jail!!! In other countries, just because you were born their doesn't make you a citizen. If your parent are illegal so are you, if you are legal yes.

Abortion, it's wrong, but should not be your voting point. But gun control that is your right, it's stated in the Constitution, we have the right. Look it up, it state that if it is not covered in the constitution. States can cover it. Wake up people it's covered, we can own gun, piss on the state laws.

I truly wish we had a candidate that thought like me. Or instead of being a factory worker (union) I had the money to be our next PRESIDENT, because like me or hate me I would do all I can to make it right.

Little General,
Mike Ross

P.S. Please post comments.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Hillary Care

Think about it, the nice thing is we all have health care all the time.

Now think about this, Britain and the defunk car bomb all foreign Doc's. Because with social medicine you have a problem finding doctors, so you look at other counties for them. There are other countries out to get the U.S. They do not like freedom. They believe only certain people know what is best for you.

Canada comes to the U.S. for health care, if they can afford it on their own. They have to wait 6 weeks to 6 month for major medical, at times. We will have the same problems if we allow it to happen.

In order to make it some what work taxes will have to be raised, nothing is free. Someone has to pay for it, you and I. The working people!!! I believe that our politicians should be promoting union membership, if you want health care it should be negotiated. If you don't want to be union, that is your right, quit complaining and live with what your company offers.

The reason our country is having problems are free trade agreements, you give free trade to low cost countries (with low wages), you get companies leaving. No brainer. Look it up alot of these countries want and have tariff or a tax of some sort. We need to level the playing field. Charge the tax. Then these communist countries will not have the advantage of Hillary Care. Think about it long and hard, if the government runs it. It's over, look at social security!!!!!!

Little General,
Mike Ross

P.S. Please post comments.